Aesthetic Crowns

“There are a few different types of aesthetic crowns. All ceramic (E-max, Zirconia, Porcelain fused zirconia), veneers and so on. I can do them all. But every patient’s case is unique and there’s not a certain procedure that fits everyone. When patients come in for a consultation, I evaluate the whole mouth and offer what’s best for the patient. Consultation including X ray is always free, there’s no hidden fee. If you would like to know what options you have, I suggest that you should call us to make an appointment for free consultation.”

– Dr. Huh

Inlays and Onlays

Rapha Dental- Aesthetic Crowns:

Having a beautiful and healthy smile allows you to feel confident, eat your favorite foods, and make positive first impressions. There are many factors which lessen the aesthetic and health of teeth, such as poor oral hygiene, decay, and physical damage. If your teeth have lost their luster due to decay or infection, West Park Row Dental can help. Dr. Natalie Vo-Pham reestablishes a patient’ aesthetic and provides them with complete dental function through aesthetic dental crowns.

These natural-looking restorations are custom-made to your unique dental requirements. Your smile will be protected, fully operational, and attractive.


Choosing Aesthetic Dental Crown with Tooth-Colored Materials

Selecting the material of a crown is important, as it can determine cost, appearance, and durability. One of the most common materials used for crowns is metal with an overlay of porcelain. While porcelain fused to metal crowns are durable, they often do not appear as natural as patients would like. As patients age and gums naturally pull slightly away from teeth, metal-based crowns reveal a gray edge past the porcelain top coat, making them look unattractive.

A crown constructed from completely tooth-colored materials can be just as strong and resilient as metal-based crowns while maintaining its beauty over time.  Aesthetic crowns are favored due to their ability to seamlessly blend in with your existing teeth, helping your smile appear flawless. Dr. Huh helps you determine if a completely aesthetic crown will provide you with best results. She evaluates whether you grind your teeth or have an active lifestyle and are prone to damaging restorations. In these cases, varying tooth-colored materials can be selected to ensure best results.

Inlays and Onlays

Full Strength Zirconia Crown and Bridge

Full Strength Zirconia restorations use monolithic ultra high strength zirconia with flexural strength exceeding 1000MPa. A great alternative to posterior metal occlusal PFMs and full-cast metal restoration. Zirconia offers durability of a gold crown with esthetics nearing porcelain.



  • Chip-resistant
  • Smooth surface reduces plaque accumulations
  • Designed and Milled using CAD/CAM technology
  • Ideal for bridges and crowns, implant restorations, and areas with limited occlusal space
  • Fabricated using state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technologies ensuring superior marginal fit





Porcelain Layered to Zirconia (PFZ) Crown and Bridge

Porcelain Hand Layered to Zirconia Crowns and Bridges feature the strength and biocompatibility of Zirconia with the beauty of hand layered porcelain. Ideal for bridges or anterior cases where a dark stump needs to be masked, Porcelain Hand Layered to Zirconia restorations can be customized to any shade requirements and meet even the most demanding patient’s needs.


  • Milled by 5 Axis mills using full strength Zirconia
  • CAD scanning system can accurately detect even difficult angles to capture undercuts and hard-to-read margins
  • Fabricated using state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technologies using superior marginal fit
  • With no metal substructure, Zirconia restorations prevent dark gingival graying
  • Biocompatible





E. Max Veneer

IPS e.Max is among the most aesthetic all ceramic restoration available. Ideally suited for veneers, inlays and onlays due to its glass composition, e.Max can be acid etched and bonded into place allowing for a very strong and resilient restoration.


  • As a lithium discilicate glass-ceramic, e.Max offers optimized homogeneity and strength in addition to excellent marginal fit
  • Like Empress, IPS e.Max allows for highly personalized predictable shade results and mechanical stability
  • No metal inner structure provides allergy free restoration and high bio compatibility


  • As a lithium discilicate glass-ceramic, e.Max offers optimized homogeneity and strength in addition to excellent marginal fit



HT Multi-Layer Anterior Zirconia Crown, Bridge and Onlays

HT Multi-Layer Anterior Zirconia Crown, Bridge and Onlays are high translucent multi-layer full contour Zirconia with 30% more flexural strength than e.Max and aesthetics that rival hand layered porcelain. It is ideally suited for the anterior of the mouth and can be used for either single units or bridges up to 3 units.


  • Scanned and milled with cutting edge scanners allowing Streamline to offer Zirconia at PFM prices
  • HT Layered Zirconia is milled in a 5 axis milling system equipped with a microscope capable of magnifying the die up to a factor of 32 to ensure marginal integrity
  • With no metal substructure, Zirconia restorations prevent dark gingival graying
  • Fabricated using state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technologies ensuring superior marginal fit


Do you want to have the smile of your dreams?