Seeing blood when you spit during brushing or detecting traces of it somewhere on your toothbrush is both not a cause for panic and a reason to make certain changes to your lifestyle at the same time. Commonly, bleeding gums elicit two reactions; people either worry excessively or neglect the problem altogether. Neither is an appropriate response.
Gums that bleed may be a sign of gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum disease or periodontitis. Gingivitis on its own is a fairly common oral problem that people encounter, and while it isn’t something to panic over because it’s reversible, it’s still bad news.
The advanced stage of gum disease, periodontitis, is a severe condition that results in tooth loss. To prevent gingivitis from progressing into its more serious form, there are certain changes you can bring about in your life. Besides gingivitis, bleeding gums can also be caused by additional factors, all of which are manageable.
Let’s have a look at several factors that cause your gums to bleed and what you can do about it.
Poor Oral Hygiene
When you’re not brushing and flossing regularly, a buildup of plaque on your teeth and gum line makes them susceptible to infection. This infection is called gingivitis, and its hallmark symptoms include swollen, tender gums that may hurt and bleed.
Continuing to properly invest time in dental care and avoiding food high in sugar can help you reverse gingivitis, although it should be noted that people with certain health conditions like diabetes are at a higher risk of developing gingivitis anyway.
Aggressive Brushing
Our gums are soft tissue made to withstand only gentle touch. If you’re brushing your teeth too aggressively, it can cause your gums to damage and bleed. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush with a light touch of the hand to gently clean your teeth and keep your gums from bleeding.
The CDC has linked smoking to an increased risk of gum disease. If you smoke, you’re at twice the risk of developing the condition compared to someone who doesn’t. Smoking affects your body’s immune system, weakening its ability to fight off bacteria, and thus increases your susceptibility to gum disease. If your gums bleed during brushing, try to quit smoking.
Poor Diet
If your diet lacks certain vitamins, you’re more at risk of developing gum disease or making the condition worse if you already suffer from it. For example, if you’re not getting enough Vitamin C, even if you practice good oral hygiene, your likelihood of developing gum disease is still high.
Since Vitamin C strengthens connective tissues and protects your gums, try including food that’s high in Vitamin C in your diet. Examples of such food are oranges, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, and spinach.
If you fear you may be suffering from gum disease, it’s a good idea to get a dentist to take a look. At Rapha Dental, we specialize in many areas of dental expertise, including cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and more. Book an appointment with us now to do away with any dental concerns through our leading dental treatment in New Jersey.