84 million adults in the U.S. deal with diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also states that one in every four of these doesn’t know they have diabetes.
This chronic condition is characterized by the body’s inability to produce enough insulin. Insulin is a naturally-occurring chemical in the body that breaks down excessive glucose. When the body is unable to produce insulin naturally, the blood glucose concentration goes up. Although there is no definite cure for diabetes, it can be controlled by following an active lifestyle, losing weight, and following a strict diet plan.
However, today, we are not here to exclusively talk about diabetes. In this post, we will identify the link between gum diseases and diabetes and how a dentist can help you diagnose it.
Overlapping symptoms
Did you know a lot of symptoms of diabetes are the same as those of gum diseases?
Gum diseases take place when excessive plaque deposits on your gum surface and cause the gums to become inflamed. As a result, the patient finds it hard to eat, talk, chew or swallow. The symptoms of gum diseases extend far beyond the gums and affect the entire oral cavity, including the mouth. Patients who deal with gum diseases also complain of a sensation of numbness in the tongue and dry mouth.
According to the American Dental Association, mouth sores and dryness are also common symptoms of diabetes. This is because diabetes reduces blood supply to the gums. Because of this overlapping of symptoms, diabetes may be overlooked and the focus primarily is gum diseases.
Explaining the link
Diabetes is one of the most common risk factors for gum diseases. As per the American Academy of Periodontology, this relationship goes both ways.
Gum diseases increase the glucose levels in your oral cavity. This is because plaque mostly forms if your sugar intake is too high. If the condition remains untreated for too long, this can temporarily raise the glucose levels in your bloodstream and act as a trigger. This also makes it hard for you to control your blood sugar levels if you’re already suffering from diabetes.
The same study also suggests that people with diabetes are also at a greater risk of developing gum diseases. This happens because of their susceptibility to contracting infections increases. Diabetes dries your mouth and affects the function of salivary glands. Saliva contains essential enzymes that help keep bacteria at bay. A dry mouth plays a significant part in allowing tooth-decaying bacteria to grow.
A general dentists Cinnaminson NJ can spot a lot more conditions than just tooth decay. For the most reliable and affordable dental checkups in New Jersey, get in touch with Rapha Dental. Call (856) 829-8668 for more information about our services on family and cosmetic dentistry Cinnaminson NJ.