Tooth Extractions
Tooth Extractions in a Comfortable Setting
Are you looking to get a Tooth Extraction near Willingboro? Are you looking for Oral Surgeon near Willingboro and can’t get your appointment soon enough? Rapha Dental also offers tooth extraction!
A tooth extraction doesn’t exactly sound fun, but it’s important to know that it’s a routine, low-risk procedure that is relatively painless.
Depending on your individual case, an extraction can be completed by an experienced dentist or an oral surgeon. The recovery time is minimal and the extraction site doesn’t typically take long to heal.
Why Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?
Wisdom teeth removal is the most common extraction procedure and is typically handled by an oral surgeon. When wisdom teeth are impacted it stops your teeth from growing in normally.
In some cases, a dentist may recommend an extraction to make room in the mouth for proper tooth alignment. Other times, a tooth needs to be extracted when it is badly damaged or decayed. In these cases, an extraction will prevent infection and relieve pain.
What Is The Process Involved With a Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extraction is a pretty quick process and should only take a few minutes. Typically the process looks like this:
- After taking x-rays, the dentist or oral surgeon will review them with you and talk through the extraction process.
- The dentist will use a local numbing agent for the tooth, gum, and bone.
- Throughout the extraction, you should only feel pressure, not pain.
- In most cases, the dentist can remove the tooth using applied pressure, rather than surgical intervention.
What Happens After a Tooth Extraction?
Once the process is over, your dentist will send you home with instructions for properly caring for the extraction site in the hours and days following tooth removal. Some patients may need to cover the area with gauze.
For patients who experience pain after the extraction, the dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe medicine to give some relief in the days following the procedure. The gums should fully heal in a matter of weeks, as long as the site is kept clean. Once healed, you may be interested in replacing the missing tooth with an implant, bridge, or denture.
Schedule a Tooth Extraction Consultation
Are you looking to get a Tooth Extraction near Willingboro? Are you looking for Oral Surgeon near Willingboro and can’t get your appointment soon enough? Rapha Dental also offers tooth extraction!
Rapha Dental is a modern office near Willingboro, NJ. If you think you may need a tooth extraction or are experiencing dental pain, reach out to us and we can assess your case. In some cases, we may decide to refer you out to an oral surgeon. Contact us today!